I nostri Eventi


SABATO 1: Gli Aristogattoni
DOMENICA 2: Ronnie & The Midnight Rambler

MARTEDI 4: The Bop Meters
MERCOLEDI 5: Big Cat Quintet
GIOVEDI 6: The Soul Kitchen
VENERDI 7: Carosello Swing
SABATO 8: Roberta Vaudo & the Blue Whistles
DOMENICA 9: Peggy Sue & The Dynamites

MARTEDI 11: Royal Swingers
MERCOLEDI 12: The Lady and the Tramps
GIOVEDI 13: Mikely Family Band
VENERDI 14: Bakery Soul and Dance
SABATO 15: Roberto Elivis & Suspicious Band
DOMENICA 16: Rockin Angie & the Shakers

MARTEDI 18: Clem and Time
MERCOLEDI 19: Miss Faro & The Radio Lovers
GIOVEDI 20:Trio borghese In Quintet
VENERDI 21:Swing’n’Soul Quintet
SABATO 22: Marco Liotti & Fifty Fifty
DOMENICA 23: Ronnie & The Midnight Ramblers

MARTEDI 25: Trio borghese In Quintet
MERCOLEDI 26: Ronnie & The Midnight Ramblers
GIOVEDI 27:The Groovemates
VENERDI 28: Mikely Family Band
SABATO 29: VazzaNikki
DOMENICA 30: Big Cat Swing



MARTEDI 2: Jump Aces
MERCOLEDI 3: The Bop Meters
GIOVEDI 4: Roberta Vaudo & the Blue Whistles
VENERDI 5: Not Just Swing
Clem and Time
DOMENICA 7: Benny Boys

MARTEDI 9: Big Cat Quintet
MERCOLEDI 10: Miss Faro & The Radio Lovers
GIOVEDI 11: New Orleans Funky Town
VENERDI 12: Carosello Swing
SABATO 13: Four Vegas
DOMENICA 14: Peggy Sue & The Dynamites

MARTEDI 16: Miss Faro & The Radio Lovers
MERCOLEDI 17: Trio borghese In Quintet
GIOVEDI 18: The Soul Kitchen
VENERDI 19: Mikely Family Band
SABATO 20: Marco Liotti & Fifty Fifty
DOMENICA 21: Ronnie & The Midnight Ramblers

MARTEDI 23: The Bop Meters
MERCOLEDI 24: Not Just Swing
GIOVEDI 25: Gli Aristogattoni
VENERDI 26: Conosci Mia Cugina?
SABATO 27: Bakery Soul and Dance
DOMENICA 28: Rockin Angie & the Shakers

MARTEDI 30: Elena Maiella Duo
MERCOLEDI 31: The Bop Meters


GIOVEDI 1: The Bop Meters
VENERDI 2: Gli Aristogattoni
SABATO 3: Four Vegas
DOMENICA 4: Ronnie & The Midnight Ramblers

MARTEDI 6: Not Just Swing
MERCOLEDI 7: Miss Faro & The Radio Lovers
GIOVEDI 8: The Soul Kitchen
VENERDI 9: Roberta Vaudo & the Blue Whistles
SABATO 10: Bakery Soul and Dance
DOMENICA 11: Rockin Angie & the Shakers

MARTEDI 13: Roberto Elivis & Suspicious Band
MERCOLEDI 14: Peggy Sue & The Dynamites
GIOVEDI 15: Elena Maiella Duo
VENERDI 16: Carosello Swing
SABATO 17: Marco Liotti & Fifty Fifty
DOMENICA 18: Benny Boys

MARTEDI 20: Trio borghese In Quintet
MERCOLEDI 21: Ronnie & The Midnight Ramblers
GIOVEDI 22: The Groovemates
VENERDI 23: Mikely Family Band
SABATO 24: VazzaNikki
DOMENICA 25: Big Cat Swing 

MARTEDI 27: Swing’n’Soul Quintet
MERCOLEDI 28: Les Chats Noir
GIOVEDI 29: Not Just Swing
VENERDI 30: Roberto Elivis & Suspicious Band
SABATO 31: Jump Aces



DOMENICA 1: Benny Boys 

MARTEDI 3: New Orleans Funky Town
MERCOLEDI 4: The Soul Kitchen
GIOVEDI 5: The Bop Meters
VENERDI 6: Roberto Elivis & Suspicious Band
SABATO 7: Marco Liotti & Fifty Fifty
DOMENICA 8: Peggy Sue & The Dynamites 

MARTEDI 10: Royal Swingers
MERCOLEDI 11: The Lady and the Tramps
GIOVEDI 12: Mikely Family Band
VENERDI 13: Roberta Vaudo & the Blue Whistles
SABATO 14: Miss Faro & The Radio Lovers
DOMENICA 15: Ronnie & The Midnight Ramblers

MARTEDI 17: Conosci Mia Cugina?
MERCOLEDI 18: Bakery Soul and Dance
GIOVEDI 19: Four Vegas
VENERDI 20: Miss Antinori and Friends
SABATO 21: Bakery Soul and Dance
DOMENICA 22: Rockin Angie & the Shakers

MARTEDI 24: Elena Maiella Duo
MERCOLEDI 25: The Bop Meters
GIOVEDI 26: Gli Aristogattoni
VENERDI 27: Mikely Family Band
SABATO 28: Trio borghese In Quintet
DOMENICA 29: Carosello Swing